Category: Blow Up Club

Françoise Cactus

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Françoise Cactus the singer and drummer of Stereo Total who died peacefully at her home February 17th, 2021, of cancer. Rest in peace our friend.

Independent FM (Los Angeles) Leeza London show makes The Bongolian 'Flatfoot Hustle' single of the week and tonight she has a Blow Up Dance Party from 22:00 (GMT)

Leeza London made The Bongolian ‘Flatfoot Hustle’ the single of the week this week. From 22:00 (GMT) she will be playing the track along with a selection of Blow Up Records tracks of her choice for a Blow Up Dance Party. The show is broadcast on Independent FM a California radio station.

Listen to the show with this link:

Limited edition of 100 only - Blow Up 25 Tote Bag

Limited edition of 100 only – Blow Up 25 Tote Bag – as sold at the Blow Up 25 concert at The 100 Club are available to order direct from the Blow Up Records shop (Greedbag). Grab them while you can!

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