New Silvery Single The Naked & The Dead Out Now

The Naked & The Dead‘ – the first single from Silvery’s forthcoming 2nd album ‘Railway Architecture‘ is released week. The single was recently up for Steve Lamacq’s Rebel Playlist on BBC 6Music and the band have just recorded another BBC 6Music Session for Marc Riley (12th July) as well as being invited by Lamacq to play at his new monthly club ‘Going Deaf For A Living’ (invite here) on Thursday 29th July.

Download ‘The Naked & The Dead’…

The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on iTunesDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on eMusicDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on DigitalDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on DigitalDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on NapsterDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on JunoDownloadDownload The Naked & The Dead by Silvery on

Don’t forget to check out the video for the single (below), by the same team behind the award-winning ‘Horrors’ video.

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