Vive Le Rock Railway Architecture Album Review Silvery
“Silvery’s inf luences aren’t difficult to spot – it ‘s hard not to acknowledge the impact Sparks have had on James Orman’s songcraft. But you can add into the mix a dash of Roxy, Bowie and, on ‘An Account Of The Raising Of A Spirit’ , a shot of The Divin e Comedy. This follow-up to 2008’s ‘Thunderer & Excelsior ‘ ultimately provides evidence aple nty that they have more in their locker than Ron Mael’s schizo-pop playbook. They even call one track ‘ Sparks And Fire’, which just has to be a little in-joke . As, indeed, might be nicking the chord sequence from Roxy ‘s ‘The Strand ‘ on ‘Ropes And Sails’. At times they recall artists as di verse as Blyth Power and XTC, but just when the plagiarism dial is hitting red, they throw in more ideas. Dense and charming, they may have almost too much going on for one album.”
Southend Echo Live Silvery
“Having your band described as “crazed genius” by DJ Steve Lamacq, being picked as the Guardian’s new band of the day and receiving salivating reviews from music magazines is the coverage most up-and-coming bands only dream of.”
Guardian New Band Of The Day Silvery Railway Architecture
“This London band’s manic musicianship recalls the herky, jerky pop of Sparks, Roxy Music and XTC”
Paul Williams Blow Up Blog Silvery
“Legendary songwriter Paul Williams has been in touch with Blow Up HQ after listening to the new Silvery album ‘Railway Architecture’ which features a cover of his song ‘You Give A Little Love’ from the film Bugsy Malone�
Rock N Reel Railway Architecture Album Review Silvery
“On this, their second album Silvery are revealed to be the bastard offspring of Roy Wood (The Move, ELO, Wizzard). Their keyboard-led train ride starts in hippie 60s proto-glam and ends in 70s pre-punk shang-a-lang sing-along. All utterly Anglo-pop, it�s pure pastiche, completw with high-pitched harmonies and heavily jangly tunes.
CLASH Railway Architecture Album Review Silvery
“Art rock meets vaudevillian dev- ilry via the English absurdism of Viv Stanshall. ‘Railway Architecture’ reads like a Victorian novella stuffed with pages of ‘Aladdin Sane’ era Bowie, Syd Barrett and Sparks. Such a gloriously eclectic sound has also had them compared to Britpop Blur: if only after a bottle of Laudanum and a visit to the darker environs of Whitechapel. From this oddball music hall scrapbook of locomotive inspired organ-led outbursts, short but perfectly formed songs sprout, delicious and daringly at odds with almost everything else out there. A dazzling decoupage of good fun.
NME Railway Architecture Album Review Silvery
“However, things get more interesting when the pace lessens for cuts like ‘Will Self – which somehow manages to blend T-Rex’s ‘The Slider’ with Blur’s ‘He Thought Of Cars’, plus a flash of Sparks for good measure. There’s also the woozy ‘The Quaire Fellow’ and early Genesis sounding ‘Hook Woods,’ to hold the attention. However, much of the album passes in a fizz, and it takes a couple of listens before the songs even start to become distinct.”
Time Out Recommended Rough Trade East Instore
“Stylish, literate and witty but properly hook-aware, tipped melodic popsters return with a new (second) album, the very engaging ‘Railway Architecture’ (Blow Up), which melds together glam/glitter rock with their own subtly subversive take on Britpop.”
Uncut Railway Architecture Album Review Silvery
“Exhilarating art-pop from band bordering greatness”